Wednesday, 6 July 2011


The trend of late is to take a 5minute cruise on my bike down to the train station, jump on a quick 20 minute train ride, and get to a little place I like to call: The City of Gold. Nuremberg!

Nuremberg is the biggest city in the near vicinity to my little residing student town, and is a place that provides much entertainment. Many of the people that I have met at my job reside here, and it is fact the place is quite a vibe. The problem I have when I go here though, is that I have no idea where I am when I go out, how to get home, the reoccurring language barrier problem is a major factor, and I continue to follow my life long trend of `let´s just go with it and see what happens, it will work out`.

This has all been quite a problem.
It has led to me finding myself lost at student parties, forgetting bicycles in places we can´t remember, crashing into bushes on said bicycles while lifting mates after prematches, torn clothes that the local Stitching company frowns upon me for, and all in all, those dreadful Facebook photos that you just don´t remember being taken!

It is different though, and German people really do party hard. With local night clubs closing at 5.30am on regular occasion, prematches lasting till past 12am, Mexicans passing out from South African kings before even making it out, and a large abundance of eager to party interns, Nuremberg is an awesome adventure!

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