Friday, 3 February 2012

How Old Is Old?

With growing up comes more responsibilities, more commitments, a changing view on matters, and a general changing of scenes that you may find yourself in, but how old is old? This may seem a some what ridiculous question in your eyes, but there is no guide that says, "Ok, it is that time, you are now old". Surely in a world where the average living age is rising, the age of getting the proverbial 'old' should too?

I find it sad to see people, even friends for that matter, getting old before they are in fact old. What is the rush to grow up really? Once you do it, that is that, the youth days are behind you, and I for one am in no rush to reach that stage of my life just yet. On the other side of the scale, I hold nothing against some one who feels it IS their time, as this is all a matter of opinion really, but why rush it.

The point of this blog post though is to analyse the decision taken by someone to say that the time has come. Is it subconscious, is it a realisation, or is it the ever increasing external pressure to conform with an old trended society expectation that may rush one to get there. I see far too many people rushing into marriage (a whole nother post shall be written about this little blossom of opinion), ditching their true friends on nights out repeatedly while trying to make excuses for why they couldn't join (fuck, if you want to be an old geyser at least act mature like your decision represents and be honest about how your interests are changing), etc.

It really is all a matter of mind at the end of the day. A matter of mind that should be decided by you, and you yourself. If you are over being young, and think that you are ready to watch from the sidelines for the next 50 years, then by all means... But, if you can get over youth and acting like a youngster in a matter of years, what is going to happen in the next 50 years of being a 'grown up'.
You always hear older members of family saying how they use to do this and that, or how they wish they could still...

Do not get old before you are old. Do not get old to conform to a social expectation of age. Do it for you, yourself, and you alone, and make sure that you have done all you ever wished with your youth before you do so. Go travel, take a risk, do the silly thing that are frowned upon, and most of all, LIVE.

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