Monday, 5 March 2012

Weekend Two - 40 Day Sexual Abstinence

This past week has been interesting to say the least. Up front, I am going to say one word that I am sure the group can agree was the highlight of this week. This word is sure to make the guilty individual cringe, for they know what is coming.

The word for this week is: Horse.

Now you may all be wondering: Horse? Really? Why? And I hear you, it is a strange word, isn't it.... But let me explain....
Now all of you know the rules, and what is fair play and what is not.
This past week one of the group went on a horse ride along Noordhoek beach.... Sounds innocent right? Well it should have been just that, innocent, but no no....
This certain individual was casually riding along Noordhoek beach when they realised they were in fact  starting to enjoy the feeling between their legs of the horse ride, going up and down against the saddle... This individual has then admitted they started shouting for the horse to go faster and faster, and faster some more... resulting in a certain satisfaction in the groin area for said person. They have also admitted to letting one or two farts loose on this poor horses back. I am not sure about you guys, but this is hectic.
She, oops, now you know it is one of the girls, will now be know as Horse Woman.

The sad news of this past weekend is that The Leprechaun and The Puppy ended up inflicting some self mutilation upon themselves. They are however still in the 40 day quest of no women, just without the self satisfaction factor, which to be fair, is pretty ridiculous. If I can comment from a males perspective here, it is NOT easy. Laying in bed in the morning becomes less and less of an option, and certain morning man problems are far more prominent. I will continue to hold out on this one for the guys, but we will have to see how long this lasts.

Claire has become far more quiet, often passing remarks on how she is going to win this. The guys all think she is cheating, but time will tell.

Random news of the week:

- Miranda is now named Amanda (Or a certain other relevant nickname.... Hint)
- Adam has met the love of his life and his dying to kiss him... I mean her.
- Russel is continually meeting belters, but is finding the strength to socialise with them without hooking up (Building up a supply for post 40 days I feel)
- Claire's quest to quit smoking is going strong, while at the same time being abstinent- respect!
- Miranda has tried to break the boys by telling us her mother is an alleged MILF.

Any other news that crops up in week three will be reported on the weekend, or if we have any really big events or news, I will update you all accordingly.

Over and out. D.

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