Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Where's My Soccer Ball??

Like at any major party, there is always that one moment in the night where you ask yourself, "Seriously, what the fuck am I doing?". At a recent outdoor trance party, this was no exception. Being situated in a little valley in a forest, the location was awesome. Apart from the fact we got there late and our car was at the top of the valley. Our car and valley separated by one big ass hill. It was a monster, it was muddy, it was intimidating, especially when drunk, and it is the reason for this story.

We hit this party hard, Lucy paid some due fines, and we were well on our way.. Losing one our group at about 4.30 that morning with the car keys, my mate and I partied on. At about 5.30 we decided we should find a random tent in the valley and have a little power nap. It didn't matter what tent, as long as it was empty. We searched and searched, most tents being full. Finally we found one, a lil 1metre beast. As we were unzipping the door, we hear a girl start shouting at us.. OH SHIT!!! Some girl came running over and asked us what the hell we were doing... Well, the first thing that came out my mates mouth was, "I'm looking for my soccer ball..." Hahaha... it worked, we then convinced her to have a nap in the tent, which was apparently her mates, who would be chilled with it.. Okkaaaaaay.... Heads in the tent, legs lying out, we were sorted!! Or so we thought.. 2 minutes... and again, shouting. FML... really people!! The oke whose tent it was had arrived to find two pairs of legs stretching out his tent, belonging to two randoms he had never seen. Needless to say, HE MINDED...

My mate, as gone as he was, casually dragged himself down the road, between tents, only to be found 1 hour later passed our in the back of my car, awkward spooning the mate we had lost 2 hours earlier.. Awkward moments... Anyway, the next day was interesting.. Piecing together pieces of each others nights, and having a great laugh on the way back home, we all just nodded and agreed..... "I'm just looking for my soccer ball...."

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