Sunday, 26 February 2012

Weekend One- 40 Day Sexual Abstinence

Sunday night, end of Day 5 on the first weekend of six.

Phew, the first weekend out of six, and it seems everyone in the group took a bit of strain. The terrible twins were out on the town, the puppy was rocking sowing the seeds off his face (we will come back to this), the Leprechaun was phoning people at 3am in order to try get them to drive him 130km to a shneaky outdoor, and I had a more chilled weekend than the rest at the Rugby.

When looking at highlights from this past weekend we have to start with the exciting announcement of a new member, 'Cheese', as he introduced himself... (Potentially taking strain already) to the group. That makes our group 7 members strong now, all of which are still in it to win it. This past weekend Claire pulled one out the bag for the women and saved Miranda as she starting letting her goose loose on the dance floor with the initial part of some grinding action. Up in Joburg, Adam attended Sowing the Seeds with the attitude of 'being so drunk that he would literally throw up on a chick if she tried to kiss him'. On Sunday morning however he woke up rather hung over with a strong urge for porn and self satisfaction, but fought through this and continues to fight the battle. Russel was pretty solid, partying up the storm that he does, leaving an interesting voice mailbox message on my phone of.... 15 seconds of music, 'Dean', 10 seconds of music...beep. Then followed up by a voice message of 'fuck'. He is however still alive, and was not found naked on the streets of Sea Point this morning... Frances used her very own brother as a cock block tactic when going out, and was the one shining hope for the womens chances this weekend. 'Cheese' made a self confession of seeing a Jessica Simpson advert on TV this afternoon (Sunday) and having a desperate desire to inflict some self-mutilation upon himself. He is however happy to report this urge was averted.

Quote of the weekend goes to Miranda, courtesy of Clairea stabbing her fellow woman in the back. Upon waking up after a heavy night on Saturday, Miranda, doing things a woman does, that no man ever wants to know a woman does, Miranda is qouted as saying: "Having such a phenom shit." Hectic. Nice one Miranda.... One star to you.

I however think that the general consensus of this weekend is that this is all going downhill fast. The no self satisfaction aspect is a massive hurdle.
So far I would say due to Miranda's looseness of the groin on the dance floor, the women are at the bottom of the log for now. Russel has to be at the top, as he is the most quiet when it comes to the moaning and seems to be cruising still. Adams pillow is getting more and more scared of an abusive raping by the day, and if Claire doesn't drink herself to death before hand, may make it to 40 days.

Will have a mid week blog update to see where we all at, but at the moment, 5 days out of 40 down, and it can go any way!

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Sexual Abstinence- Day 2

Day two of forty.

Let me start off by introducing you to the group of us that are partaking in this little sexual abstinence. You have Russel, Adam, Miranda, Claire and myself. Let us start with Adam, as he has hooked up an awesome little 'Sexual Abstinence' group on Whatsapp where we all talk about what each person is thinking, whats happening, and just general shit really. We can say Adam is the puppy in the group, not a puppy in the cute kind of way unfortunately though, instead he is the puppy that wants to go around dry humping your friends legs when they visit you. Then you have Russel, the meanest smutting party goer one will come across. Russel lives on the prowl of dark cornered dance floors, sneaky belter pull ins, and just plain general party greatness. We will say he is the Leprechaun of the group, as he is pretty small, and for some reason just reminds me of one as I am writing this. Then there are the girls... Miranda and Claire. I have not met Miranda, and for this reason we will classify these two together. Claire is one of those bad ass girls that seems to be able to rock a party. Her and Miranda are getting in the habit of sending sneaky photos to the group of them holding hands, kissing each other on the cheek, etc, and one can only see their tactic in this. We will name these two the Evil Twins until a better suited name comes a long, which no doubt will happen over the next few days. You all know me, and for that reason we will leave it as so.

So this morning our group wanted to clarify the ground rules, so everyone is on the same page. The rules are as follows:

1) There will be no kissing, or any sexual activity beyond that.
2) There will be no masturbation for the entire 40 days.
3) There is no dry humping/grinding to take place.
4) Holding hands is fine.
5) Dance floor grinding is not allowed.
6) Sending or receiving of naughty photos is allowed.
7) Kissing on the cheek is fine.
8) Girls can go to the toilet together (Miranda and Claire asked...who know what is going on there..)
9) No removing of another persons clothing.
10) No 'spilling' of the peanut butter and getting your dog to remove it (sorry Adam).

There you go, 10 'simple' rules that the five of us will abide to for 40 days. People have said we cannot do it, bets have been offered, egos are on the line. The general feeling is that the women are going to try make this even harder (pardon the pun) for the guys with their sneaky photos. We also feel Adam may dry hump an old lady in public by the end of week two. I however think the guys have this covered, and come the end of 40 days, the power will once again lay in the men's hands.
Game on!!!

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Sexual Abstinence- 40 Days, 40 Nights

When I heard Lent was coming up, I sat down and thought what I should give up this year.
I will be the last person to claim that I am a religious man, with mixed opinions on my religious views, and a somewhat undecided standing, I will not even pretend that I am an annual Lent participant. However, I really do appreciate peoples participation in this annual time, and the deeper reason behind it. When doing a bit of research on the matter, my eyes were opened, and I have grown some what fond of this passage of time in fact. During Lent there is a some what unity between the people participating, each with their own battle against their sacrificed vices, and in todays modern age, any extra unity in our community is great.

After much deliberation, I have decided to be sexually abstinent in all forms for the 40 Days and 40 Nights of Lent. There is no way to describe this as an easy task, and thus I think it will make a fantastic event to blog about, sharing experiences and awkward public boner moments. But what this will give me is time to live life without the constant distraction of women that most men face. It will be time to clear my head from the working out the conundrum that is the womans mind, and with this I am actually looking forward to the experience.
A few mates have now joined me on this crazy little task, and I will be bringing to you views of both females and males as they complete this. Will the males outlast the females? Will anyone crack? It is going to be interesting, that is for sure, so sit back, and enjoy.

Day 1:

Today is Day 1. Nothing out of the ordinary what so ever, and I would in fact be quite worried if there was. That would be a worrying sign of what the next 40 days are to bring. The biggest tingle I feel in fact is that I actually need to pee.

What I am keen for though, is an opinion of whoever reads this. Give me feedback, give me thoughts, make a bet on how long I will last. Whatever, keen for some interaction.

Anyway guys and girls, Day 1 almost down, and going strong.....

Friday, 3 February 2012

How Old Is Old?

With growing up comes more responsibilities, more commitments, a changing view on matters, and a general changing of scenes that you may find yourself in, but how old is old? This may seem a some what ridiculous question in your eyes, but there is no guide that says, "Ok, it is that time, you are now old". Surely in a world where the average living age is rising, the age of getting the proverbial 'old' should too?

I find it sad to see people, even friends for that matter, getting old before they are in fact old. What is the rush to grow up really? Once you do it, that is that, the youth days are behind you, and I for one am in no rush to reach that stage of my life just yet. On the other side of the scale, I hold nothing against some one who feels it IS their time, as this is all a matter of opinion really, but why rush it.

The point of this blog post though is to analyse the decision taken by someone to say that the time has come. Is it subconscious, is it a realisation, or is it the ever increasing external pressure to conform with an old trended society expectation that may rush one to get there. I see far too many people rushing into marriage (a whole nother post shall be written about this little blossom of opinion), ditching their true friends on nights out repeatedly while trying to make excuses for why they couldn't join (fuck, if you want to be an old geyser at least act mature like your decision represents and be honest about how your interests are changing), etc.

It really is all a matter of mind at the end of the day. A matter of mind that should be decided by you, and you yourself. If you are over being young, and think that you are ready to watch from the sidelines for the next 50 years, then by all means... But, if you can get over youth and acting like a youngster in a matter of years, what is going to happen in the next 50 years of being a 'grown up'.
You always hear older members of family saying how they use to do this and that, or how they wish they could still...

Do not get old before you are old. Do not get old to conform to a social expectation of age. Do it for you, yourself, and you alone, and make sure that you have done all you ever wished with your youth before you do so. Go travel, take a risk, do the silly thing that are frowned upon, and most of all, LIVE.